
Synod Ministries

Campus Ministry

Lutheran Campus Ministry logo

 Lutheran Campus Ministry at Minot State University

Lutheran Campus Ministry at Minot State University is a community of students, faculty, and staff who gather to talk about life and faith. We don't have all the answers but are a community of seekers who feel called to serve and love others.

Check out LCM on Facebook!

Outdoor Ministries

Camp of the Cross logo
Metigoshe Ministries logo
Upper Missouri Ministries logo

The Western North Dakota Synod is blessed with four Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in our synod which provide year-round programming and retreat facilities for children, youth, families and individuals of all ages and abilities.

Click on a camp logo to learn more about each ministry.

Outreach Ministries

Western North Dakota Synodical Women of the ELCA - WND SWO
Lutheran Men In Mission

The Holy Spirit works through our congregations and members to bring Christ to the World through our words and actions. 

The Western North Dakota Synodical Women of the ELCA (WND SWO) are mobilized to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.  They are participants in their congregational units and meet in community with each other for friendship, for opportunity to study together, for support, for chances for involvement, and for possibilities to do justice.

Companion Synod Relationships of the ELCA connect Lutheran churches throughout the world with ELCA synods and congregations. These relationships are rooted in “accompaniment,” which promotes the values of mutuality, inclusivity, vulnerability, empowerment and sustainability. Through the program, companion churches and ELCA synods nurture and strengthen one another for life and ministry through prayer, study, communication, exchange of visitors and sharing of resources.

We encourage you to learn more!  The Global Companion of the Western North Dakota Synod is in the Central African Republic while our Domestic Companion is the Northeastern Ohio Synod.

Resource Library

The Synod Office has received a variety of resources that are available for loan. Most of these resources available are preview copies provided free of charge by the publisher and made, available for members of the synod to review in order to determine if they are a fit for you to use in your ministry setting. You are then encouraged to order these resources directly from the publisher. 

We also have several Study Kits available. These kits have been purchased by some of our synod ministry teams for use in congregation as small group studies. Each kit comes with multiple copies of participant books and leaders materials that a congregation could borrow and return for use by another congregation. 

Request to Borrow a Resource

Find a resource that you would like to borrow? Request it by e-mail from info@wndsynod.org

Do you have a recommendation for us to purchase and include in our library that might be helpful to other ministry leaders? Recommend it to info@wndsynod.org

Synod Books
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