
Resources for Rostered Leaders

Download the Lenten Worship Resource

Rostered Ministers Annual Reports to the Synod Bishop

Each year the ELCA Office of the Secretary requests that ELCA rostered leaders submit a report to their synodical bishop. All report forms are available on the ELCA website at ELCA Resources. Click on the Synods tab to locate and download the appropriate form. We have also provided direct links to each form below.

Instructions for submitting the form electronically:

1) Open the form and save it to your computer.
2) Complete the form and save it to your computer once again.
3) Attach the completed form to an e-mail and send to 

Call Process

Compensation Guidelines

Policy Documents

Synod Policy on Sexual Misconduct (2011)Resources from 2015 First Call Theological Education Retreat

Faith Information

Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO)

Our synodical LYO is led by a board of 11 youth and 9 adults who work together to encourage youth ministry events in our synod. Each fall they plan and lead the annual LYO Gathering, a 3-day event that incorporates worship, service, and faith forming fun for senior high students. Learn more . . .

Western North Dakota Faith Formation Network

WND Faith Formation Network is a monthly gathering of those working with children, youth and family ministry in the Western North Dakota Synod. We meet monthly for lunch along the Hwy 83 corridor.

Join us for lunch, conversation, idea sharing, and colleague support. To find out the next date and location or to be added to the e-mail list, please contact Gracia Johnson at gjohnson@trinitybismarck.com or 701-223-3560.

ELCA Youth Ministry Network

The ELCA Youth Ministry Network exists to strengthen and empower adult faith formation leaders in service to Christ as a part of God’s mission. The Network includes professional and volunteer children and youth ministers, pastors, theologians, teachers and others who seek to be a part of forming the faith of today’s younger generations. Each year the Network sponsors the ELCA Youth Ministry Extravaganza “E”, a national continuing education event for those in faith formation ministry, as well as regional networking opportunities. Membership includes a quarterly journal, discounts with youth ministry publishers, discounted registration for the Extravaganza, access to continuing education opportunities and youth ministry planning resources, job listings for youth ministry positions across the country and much more. Learn more at www.elcaymnet.org

Safe Gatherings

The Western North Dakota Synod is committed to ensuring that we provide safe places of worship and fellowship to everyone we serve. 

Safe Gatherings is an online abuse prevention program that provides background checks, reference checks and online training for staff and volunteers who work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. We are proud to partner with Safe Gatherings to offer these services to every congregation in our synod.
Learn More . . .

Open Ministry Staff Positions

If you are looking for a staff position in Children, Youth and Family Ministry in our synod, please visit our job postings.

Helpful Resources

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