
2024 Synod Assembly Recap

Over 250 members of the Western North Dakota Synod gathered together for the first time in Watford City May 31 – June 2, 2024, for Synod Assembly. The theme for the Assembly was “Witnessing Jesus” drawn from Luke 24:48, “You are witnesses of these things.” Throughout the Assembly we heard Witness Moments shared by synod council members, first call pastors, and conference deans. 

Pre-assembly Events

At the Friday PreAssembly Workshop with JUSTmove – Joe Davis and David Scherer – more than 150 participants were invited into a “brave space” of learning about culture and living together with cultural differences. Through music, poetry, skits, and storytelling, they drew the participants into new insights and awareness. With an opening story of the man who was paralyzed and let down by his friends through the roof (Mark 2), they wondered together where we sometimes need to “cut a hole in the roof, in the roof, in the roof?” They helped the group think about our “Why” for pursuing justice and cultural awareness, what will be compelling enough to keep us going, and what “lenses” we use to see our neighbor. And they shared a helpful definition of culture, that it’s people who have figured out how to “do life together.” They also explained results from a synod-wide cultural assessment and offered tools on how we might just move as a community on an intercultural continuum.

Synod Assembly


Worship on Friday evening began with a Land Acknowledgement honoring our Indigenous siblings. The Rev. Brian Krause, who has served as a Chaplain at Sanford Health since 2021, was our Assembly Chaplain and offered an incredibly Spirit-led sermon during opening worship and prayer throughout the assembly.

Again, this year, Sunday offered the entire synod an opportunity to worship together as Bishop Schweitzer shared a message with the assembly that was also shared via video or read by lay ministers in local congregations gathering in worship across the synod. This shared message offered an opportunity to celebrate our unity and connection even as we are dispersed in communities across this prairie. During our closing worship, Rostered Minister and church anniversaries were recognized. 


The Reverend Tera Kossow, Director for Evangelical Mission, greeted the assembly, introduced herself, and spoke about what it means to be a DEM in the Western North Dakota Synod. As with all things, change happens, and Western North Dakota is experiencing a DEM’s role in a new way. Beginning with her witness to God’s abundant “yes,” we recognize that, yes, we do have an abundance of people, gifts, and resources to make ministry happen where God calls us to share the good news of Jesus Christ. As the DEM, Pastor Tera collaborates with the three expressions of the ELCA: congregations, synods, and churchwide, working in close cooperation with the bishop and associates to the bishop, to bring the Good News to the world through word and deed, and to consider what it means to walk into the future as disciples of Jesus Christ. As the Director for Evangelical Mission, Pastor Tera Kossow invites you to contact her to consider what the future looks like with both new and existing ministries and worshipping communities.

Rev. Brad Dokken:

Associate with the Bishop for Leadership, Candidacy, and Call shared about the Lay Leaders that have answered the call to serve congregations during the current pastoral shortage. We give great thanks for Synod Authorized Ministers and other Lay Leaders. It is with great joy that we welcome these leaders and look forward to new ways that ministry can and will happen. 

Rev. Keith Fry:

Rev. Fry served as the ELCA churchwide representative this year and celebrated many of the gifts that, by and through the grace of God, Western North Dakota brings to the ELCA. Rev. Fry serves as the Executive for Administration in the Office of the Secretary. ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton provided a video message expressing that living in “interesting times” is not a curse but rather an opportunity to share God’s love. PB Eaton stated, “We see God’s love in the sacraments, where God claims each of us with God’s love and nourishes and strengthens us with Jesus’s own body and blood. We see God’s love when we pray because we can enter into the sacred space of God’s love in joy, in sorrow, in hope, in times of desperation because God’s love is real and God receives our prayers.”

Conference Caucuses:

Caucuses are a time for voting members from geographic areas of the synod to meet one another and engage in conversation and prayer about the hopes and challenges of ministry in their local communities. Relationships are forged, joys and struggles are shared, and discussions about the future are holy.

Assembly Workshops:

A variety of workshop were offered Saturday afternoon as we continued “Witnessing Jesus.” Assembly participants could choose from the “Hearing on Draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith” with Susan Wefald; “Witnessing Jesus: Finding Your Voice” with Rev. Rachel Simonson; “100 Years of Gospel Sharing in the Central African Republic” with Rev. Dr. Mark Nygard; “Essential Best Practices Concerning Management of the Church Corporation” with Mr. Murray Sagsveen; “Building and Culture of Generosity” and “Mission and Vision Planning for Congregation” with Mr. Paul Marsh from GSB Fundraising; “If we say we have no racism – a grace based model for Gospel inclusion work” and “Wise as Serpents – How to talk about racism in your church” with Joe Davis and David Scherer; “Help! God is calling me to ministry. Now What?” With Rev. Brad Dokken; and, “Questions and Conversations” with Bishop Craig Schweitzer.

Summary of the Work of the Synod in Plenary

Elected to Serve on WND Synod Council:
Conference Representatives: Upper Missouri Conference – Mr. Les Knudson, Crosby; Lonetree Conference – Rev. Russell Lambert, Turtle Lake; Heart River Conference - Rev. Kathi Nygaard, Beulah; Turtle Mountain Conference – Dn. Kari Files, Minot; Ms. Mary Carlson, Minot; East Missouri Conference – Rev. Colin Neuharth, Wishek; Badlands – Mr. Craig McLaughlin, Medora

Elected to Serve as the WND Synod Treasurer:

Ms. Verla Rostad, Minot

Elected to Serve on Consultation Committee:

Rev. Mike Pretzer, Rev. Janis Sloka, Rev. Sylvia Bull, Ms. Stephanie Fournier, Mr. Tim Holdahl, Ms. Leah Johnson, Mr. Troy Langmaack

Elected to Serve on Discipline Committee:

Rev. Paul Balaban, Rev. Christina Martin, Ms. Liz Franz, Ms. Lois Myran, Mr. Dann Greenwood

Elected as Delegates to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly:

Ms. Patty Skarphol, Wildrose; Mr. Dan Pillar, Hazen; Ms. Amy Nelson, Mandan; Ms. Stephanie Hickman, Bismarck; Rev. Brandy Gerjets, Minot; Rev. Kim Gifford, Burlington; Rev. Michael Burns, Tioga; Rev. Katie Rodriguez, Harvey; Ms. Stephanie Fournier, Surrey; Ms. Emma Pister, Velva; Mr. Bruce Carlson, Velva; Alternates: Rev. Mike Pretzer, Dickinson/Richardton; Ms. Kara McIver, Minot

Western ND Synod Ministry Financial Plan for 2025
Action: Passed

The Assembly adopted the fiscal plan for the 2025 fiscal year as proposed by the synod council.

2025 Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Ministers
Action: Passed

The Assembly adopted the 2025 Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Ministers serving in the Western North Dakota Synod as proposed by synod council. 

Resolution Concerning Greetings and Prayer to other Synods

Action: Passed

The Assembly considered a resolution directing the Secretary of the Synod to extend to 17 other ELCA synods, that also met this weekend, our greetings in Christ and our prayers for their faithful deliberation as led by the Holy Spirit.

Resolution Concerning Christian Nationalism

Action: Passed

The Assembly considered a resolution asking the WND to embark on a 2024 campaign that includes encouraging congregations to study and discuss Christian Nationalism and the ELCA position on it, provide resource citations to congregations to guide their study, and publicize on all WNDS channels and in all WNDS communities the WNDS and ELCA position on Christian Nationalism in ND and the U.S.


Resolution Concerning Civic Life and Faith Study and Feasibility

Action: Passed

The Assembly considered a resolution resolving that the Synod Council of the WNDS to begin a study of opportunities for and the feasibility of enacting a process through which the Synod’s concerns and views are made known to North Dakota legislators when they discuss, or debate matters that we see as related to our calling.

Resolution Welcoming Immanuel Lutheran Church of Westby, MT

Action: Passed

The Assembly considered a resolution requesting that the 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly approve the transfer of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Westby, from the Montana Synod to the Western North Dakota Synod.

Assembly Offerings Total $13,790.91!!!!

Thank you for your generosity!


Celebrating the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger: $2,669.00

 Global Companion Synod the Lutheran Church in the Central African Republic: $7722.91

 Banquet Love Offering for Outdoor Ministries: $3,399

Watch E-News, the Synod website, and Facebook page for information about the date and location of the 2025 Synod Assembly 

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