Call Process is the unique and prayerful way by which the synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America engage their congregations, church-related organizations and rostered ministers (pastors and ELCA deacons) in a time of thoughtful assessment and spiritual discernment of the way God may be drawing each toward the other for mutual ministry for the sake of the mission and ministry of the church. Each of the sixty-five synods of the ELCA is responsible for the management of the call process within the territory of their respective synod.
The call process begins when the congregation notifies synod staff of the resignation or retirement of the rostered leader serving the congregation or the desire to call an additional leader. A synod staff member will be appointed to meet with your council and walk with the congregation through the call process.
Documents and Links:
In order to be considered for call, rostered ministers must complete a Rostered Minister Profile (RMP) that can be shared by synod staff with congregations in the call process. RMPs are completed and submitted online. Once submitted, the forms are available to the whole church, but if you have indicated synods of preference, they will receive a notification that your paperwork is available and that you have indicated interest in their synod.
Begin your RMP (Select the Rostered Minister Tab on the left)
A searchable database of openings in ELCA congregations and organizations is available.
Search for Current Openings
Openings for Rostered Ministers (Pastors and Deacons):
Western ND Synod Office
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