Walking into the future as a congregation can mean a wide variety of things from exploring ways to expand mission in the world in which we live, maintaining what is currently happening, Holy Closure, and many things in between. Over this broad spectrum, the basis remains the same: rooted in the love of God through Christ Jesus, we walk together to bring Good News to the world. That’s evangelism!
Looking at what is happening in your congregation and community, we can work together, imagining what the future may hold. Tera would love to get to know you and your congregation! Please feel free to contact her to set up a time to meet either via phone call or zoom, or for her to visit your ministry site. Tera would also like to meet your congregation by worshipping together. She’ll even preach!
All congregations can benefit in some way from working with a DEM. No matter how big or how small, no matter if there is an ordained pastor called there or not, no matter if you are a solo worshipping community or a multi-point ministry, no matter if you think the future is bright or bleak, the discussion is the first step. If you would like to begin a discussion, please call Tera at her office number (701) 248-6898 or email
Pastor Tera Kossow is the new DEM (Director for Evangelical Mission) for the WND Synod. Tera is from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (known as the U.P., where the Yoopers live). She took her first pastoral call in northwest South Dakota. Tera served her second call in the U.P. and is now back near the prairie that she grew to love. She lives in Bismarck with her dog, Dilly.
The DEM ministry areas can vary from synod to synod, and from person to person who serves in this position. What Tera will do as our DEM is different from what past DEM’s in the Western North Dakota Synod have done. Tera simply defines the position in this way: I work with congregations to find a way to walk into the future of their ministry.
To help satisfy a growing need, starting in January 2025, DEM Tera Kossow has arranged for pastors of the WND Synod to provide a video sermon (with manuscript) to share each month.
Following is a list of sermons that are, or will be, available for download for congregational use.
January 5, 2025 - Epiphany Sermon by Sylvia Bull, Associate Pastor of Faith Lutheran, Bismarck
February 23, 2025 - Sermon by Michon Weingartner, Pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran, Bowbells, Christ Lutheran, Lignite, and Trinity Lutheran, Columbus
March 5, 2025 - Ash Wednesday Sermon by Pastor Russ Lambert
March 16, 2025 - Sermon by Brandy Gerjets, Pastor of First Lutheran Church, Minot
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