
WND Companion Synod Relationships

Global Companion Church - C.A.R.

Saying "Maboko na Maboko" in C.A.R., literally hand in hand, expresses what accompaniment means, and why we the congregations and people of Western North Dakota are called to be in relationship as the global Companion Synod, walking together with our brothers and sisters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Central African Republic (ELC-CAR).

The Central African Republic (C.A.R.) is located in the heart of Africa and is one of the poorest countries in the world. Living in what we would consider bare subsistence and constant struggle, the ELC-CAR Christians show enormous joy in worship and in sharing that love of God with others.

Bishop Craig and others attending the ELC-CAR Centennial celebrations were witnesses to this joy.  See for yourself.

The Sweet Deal for CAR is one of the main ways we walk together with the ELC-CAR and support many ministries.

Over the years, the Holy Spirit has worked through us to provide resources that have built schools in the village education project, put roofs on churches, provided scholarships for young women to attend both secondary school and university, supported vocational training at the women’s center, provided theological education for those training to serve as pastors and evangelists, and much more.

How do the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America accompany one another in ministry?

ELCA Global Mission within the ELCA relates to and is in bilateral relationship with over 80 companion churches and institutions. ELCA Global Mission stewards a church-to-church relationship with the EELRCA. This relationship is deepened and extended by the EELRCA’s Companion Synod relationships with the Western North DakotaEastern North Dakota, and Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synods.

Funds raised in the Companion Synods are added to support committed through the ELCA Global Mission and support key priorities identified by the EELRCA, including strengthening the ELC-CAR's leadership development, capacity building for the development of effective programs and ministries, as well as sustainable development in the areas of water and sanitation, agriculture, health care, and education. Two ELCA mission personnel serve in C.A.R. in the areas of village-based education and women’s ministries.

Domestic Companion Synod


Our companion synod in the United States is the Northeastern Ohio Synod.

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