
Voting Member Information


  • Resolution #1 - 2025 Ministry Financial Plan

    Resolution No. 1 is the 2025 Ministry Financial Plan, which would finance the mission and ministry of the Synod. The Synod Council initiated the resolution, and the Reference and Counsel Committee recommends "do pass."

    Click to View Resoltuion #1
  • Resolution #2 - 2025 Rostered Minister Compensation Guidelines

    Resolution No. 2 is the 2025 Rostered Minister Compensation Guidelines. The Synod Council initiated the resolution, and the Reference and Counsel Committee recommends "do pass."

    Click to View Resolution #2
  • Resolution #3 - Greetings to Synods

    Resolution No. 3 is a greeting from the Western North Dakota Synod to other synods gathering in Assembly the same weekend. The Synod Council initiated the resolution, and the Reference and Counsel Committee recommends "do pass."

    Click to View Resolution #3
  • Resolution #4 - Christian Nationalism

    Resolution No. 4 would direct the Synod Council to embark on a 2024 campaign that includes encouraging  (1) congregations within the Synod to study and discuss Christian Nationalism and the ELCA position on it; (2) provide information to congregations to guide

    their study; and (3) publicize in synod media and to synod communities the Synod and ELCA positions on Christian Nationalism in North Dakota and the United States. Members of Lord of Life Lutheran Church initiated the resolution, and the Reference and Counsel Committee is submitting the resolution to the Assembly with a "do pass" recommendation.

    Click to View Resolution #4
  • Resolution #5 - Civic Engagement

    Resolution No. 5 would direct the Synod Council to study opportunities for, and the feasibility of, a process through which the Synod’s concerns and views are made known to North Dakota legislators. The study would be concluded before the 2025 session of the North Dakota Legislative Assembly. Members of Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Bismarck initiated the resolution, and the Reference and Counsel Committee is submitting the resolution to the Assembly with a "do pass" recommendation.

    Click to View Resolution #5
  • Resolution #6 - Immanuel Lutheran Church

    Resolution No. 6 would request the 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly to approve the transfer of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Westby, from the Montana Synod to the Western North Dakota Synod. The Synod Council initiated the resolution, and the Reference and Counsel Committee recommends "do pass."

    Click to View Resolution #6






Offerings received during Opening Worship on Friday evening and Closing Worship on Sunday morning will be shared with our Global Companion Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Central African Republic (ELCRCA) and with ELCA World Hunger in celebration of the 50th anniversary of this ministry.

M&Ms & Giving to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of C.A.R. (ELC-RCA)

Find out how your local congregation can support a mission project in the ELC-RCA.  Contact Matthew to reserve M&M tubes for your church, made available by a grant from Good Shepherd in Bismarck.  See the synod CAR page for more details.  If your church already did fundraising, bring a check to Lesley at registration or it can be included with a mailed mission support check.

Saturday Evening Banquet

During the Saturday evening banquet, a special offering will be received to support the ministry of our four Outdoor Ministries - Springbrook Bible Camp, Badlands Ministries, Camp of the Cross, and Metigoshe Ministries.



Rostered Ministers:

All ELCA Rostered Ministers (pastors and deacons) under call by a congregation of the Western North Dakota Synod or Western North Dakota Synod Council who register and attend.

All retired ELCA Rostered Ministers (pastors and deacons) who are on the retired roster of the Western North Dakota Synod who register and attend.

Further guidance for Rostered Ministers serving as voting members of the Synod Assembly is found in the WND Synod Constitution and related Synod Council Continuing Resolutions.

S14.15. Each minister of Word and Sacrament on the roster of this synod shall submit a report of ministry to the bishop of the synod at least 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the Synod Assembly.

S14.15.A23. A minister of Word and Sacrament on the roster of this synod may have voice but not vote at a Synod Assembly if the minister has not complied with S14.15.

S14.34. Each minister of Word and Service on the roster of this synod shall submit a report of ministry to the bishop of the synod at least 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the Synod Assembly.

S14.34.A23. A minister of Word and Service on the roster of this synod may have voice but not vote at a Synod Assembly if the minister has not complied with S14.34. 

Lay Voting Members:

The number of lay voting members allotted per congregation is based on the congregations’ baptized membership. Refer to the chart at the right to determine the number of lay voting members your congregation may bring.

Furthermore, the WND Synod Constitution guides voting membership of a Synod Assembly.

†S7.21. The membership of the Synod Assembly, of which at least 60 percent of the voting membership shall be composed of laypersons, shall be constituted as follows:

a. All rostered ministers under call on the roster of this synod shall be voting members of the Synod Assembly.

b. A minimum of one lay member elected by each congregation with fewer than 175 baptized members and a minimum of two lay members elected by each congregation with 175 or more baptized members related to this synod, typically one of whom shall be a man and one of whom shall be a woman, shall be voting members. The Synod Council shall establish a formula to provide additional lay representation from congregations on the basis of the number of baptized members in the congregation. The Synod Council shall seek to ensure that, as nearly as possible, at least 45 percent of the lay members of the assembly shall be women and, as nearly as possible, at least 45 percent shall be men.

c. Voting membership shall include the officers of this synod.

S7.21.01. Voting members shall begin serving with the opening of a regular Synod Assembly and shall continue serving until voting members are seated at the next regular Synod Assembly.

†7.21.02. If a special Synod Assembly is called and voting members at the previous assembly are unable to serve as voting members, where permitted by state law, the congregation through the Congregation Council may elect new members who shall continue to serve until the next regular Synod Assembly.

S7.22. This synod may establish processes that permit retired rostered ministers, or those designated as disabled, or on leave from call, on the roster of the synod to serve as voting members of the Synod Assembly, provided that such processes not result in fewer than 60% of the voting members of the Synod Assembly being laypersons in contravention of †S7.21.c. If the synod does not establish processes to permit the rostered ministers specified above to serve as voting members, they shall have voice but not vote in the meetings of the Synod Assembly.

S7.22.A20. The following individuals shall have voice and vote at a Synod Assembly:

a. Retired rostered ministers.

b. Interim ministers of Word and Sacrament serving a synod congregation.

c. Representatives of a synod authorized worshiping community (SAWC).

d. A minister of Word and Sacrament from a full communion church body serving in a synod congregation.

Baptized Membership Lay Voting Members
2 - 500 2
501 - 1000 3
1001 - 1500 4
1501 - 2000 5
2001 - 2500 6
2501 - 3000 7
3001 - 3500 8
3501 - 4000 9
4001 - 4500 10
4501 - 5000 11
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