
JUSTmove: Becoming God's Breach Repairers in a Polarized World

Joel S • June 18, 2024

How do we invite people into God’s Breach Repairing work of justice in a way that does not alienate them?

While many diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts can utilize “guilt, blame, and shame”, there is a way to graciously invite people into a new vision of humanity that makes space for all people.

In these engaging educational modules, JUSTmove (David Scherer and Joe Davis) will give us tools and resources to start courageous conversations that bring us closer to Gospel inclusion (Every other Thursday from June 13-Aug 22 @ 12pm Noon CST).

Meeting Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83032013471?pwd=cmJkZTNuaGVVMGMrV3ZQZ2JzZ1JwUT09

“Not being but becoming” (Jun 13) Many of us allow our own perfection to get in the way of starting important conversations with our neighbors. This session will give us tools to utilize compassionate curiosity and learn about the “differences that make a difference”.

“Same Spirit and Different Gifts” (Jun 27) In order for us to move from the “Golden Rule” (treat others how you want to be treated) to the “Platinum Rule” (treat others how they want to be treated), we need to be able to understand other cultural patterns. This session will help us understand some of our micro and macro cultural differences and give us tools to bridge those differences.

“Christ’s Dance of Power” (Jul 11) “Power” has often been a dirty word in the church, but it is important that we understand how it functions in scripture, in our world, and in our own lives. This session will help us understand how power dynamics shape our interactions and how we can follow Christ’s model of power sharing rather than power hoarding.

“Confession and Repentance” (Jul 25) While we confess our own complicity in human suffering every week in church (“by what we have done and by what we have undone”), we often allow shame to paralyze us in anti-racism efforts. How do we move our understanding of racism beyond and individualistic “bad people trying to hurt others on purpose” toward a more communal understanding of racism that we can recognize and repair? This session will help us do this important work.

“Wounded Healers” (Aug 8) How do we metabolize the racialized trauma that each of us carry in our bodies? If we know so much about the system of oppression that harms people in our minds, why have our bodies not gotten the memo? This session will give practical tools and a methodology that can help us re member the body of Christ that we are a part of to create the change that we wish to see.

“Go and Do …” (Aug 22) As Martin Luther points out, our faith is active and living. How do we remain faithful to the next step toward God’s preferred and promised future? This last session together will help us deter mine our next faithful steps and create a plan for operationalizing the compassionate justice about which we are learning.

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