
eNewsletter - August 19, 2024

Joel S • August 20, 2024

The Latest News & Events from the Western North Dakota Synod of ELCA

Dollar Store Children Sermons Creator to be in Bismarck, September 27 & 28

Register for the Saturday Event

Pastor John Stevens, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon and creator of the Dollar Store Children Sermons, will be in Bismarck, September 27th and 28th as part of a WND Synod learning event.

Friday evening, September 27th, Pastor John, who has been a sleight-of-hand magician for over 40 years, will delight us with a magic show to benefit the four bible camps of Western North Dakota. There is no entry fee for the show that will begin at 7:00 pm at Lord of Life Lutheran Church (1143 N 26th St) in Bismarck.

Saturday, September 28th, will be a day-long learning event titled, “Using your story to tell THE STORY”. Pastor John will guide us through three sessions, sharing his insights and ideas on how we can use the various stories of our life to help us tell the greatest story of all, God’s love for God’s people.

Registration is required for the Saturday event. The cost is $50 per person or $200 total for a group of four or more from the same congregation/organization. For details, please contact the synod office at 701-223-5312

Fall Rostered Minister's Gathering

The annual Fall Rostered Minister's Gathering will be September 8 - 10 in Medora, ND. It is an opportunity for all rostered ministers and synod authorized ministers of the WND Synod to gather for a time of worship and prayer; rest and renewal; and conversation around the ministry and mission God is calling us to lead across our synod and church.


  • If you are unable to register online, please call the synod office at 701-223-5312 to register by phone.
  • The registration fee covers all meals, but lodging is not included.  Please make your own lodging arrangements.

Registration Deadline is August 23, 2024.  NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER AUGUST 30TH!

The Medora Foundation has tightened their cancellation policy but will allow cancellations for clergy who need to preside at a funeral during the conference. If you need to cancel your lodging due to a funeral, please contact Lesley Gorby and we will make the request on your behalf.

No childcare will be available this year.

All Are Welcome

Karen Anne Nies will be ordained to the ministry of Word & Sacrament on Saturday, August 24th at 3PM Mountain Time at St. John's Lutheran Church in Killdeer, ND.

Pastor Nies has been called to serve as Pastor at First Lutheran Church in Bottineau, ND.

All Rostered Ministers are invited to vest (red) and process during this time of great celebration!


Registration Deadline

Register for the annual Fall Rostered Minister's Gathering September 8 - 10 in Medora, ND.

Reserve Your Spot

The Prairie Liturgies

Join the worship & music event for clergy, worship leaders and church music enthusiasts.

Learn More

WND Synod Presents...

Pastor Stevens shares ideas how we can we use our life-stories to tell the greatest story of all.

Register Now

September Western Whirlwind from WND Synodical Women of the ELCA

The September Western Whirlwind is now available! Included in this edition is a link to the 6-question digital strategic planning questionnaire.

Read the September Western Whirlwind

Unexpected Surprises

A Podcast of the ELCA-WND Synod.

Library of All Episodes

Through this podcast, we explore all that God is doing through people of faith on the prairies of ND. In the current episode, Bishop Craig Schweitzer is joined by several adult leaders from across the synod who led groups to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans.

Listen to The Current Episode


For the first time in six years, thousands of ELCA young people from across the country gathered in one place. The ELCA Youth Gathering was held July 16-20 in New Orleans under the theme, "Created to Be."  Check out this recap video.

Fresh Start Kit Ministry

Heart River Bridges of Hope, Ministry on the Margins, and Trinity Lutheran of Bismarck are partnering together to expand a current Heart River project. They will be putting together backpacks that will be handed out to everyone leaving the Youth Correction Center in Mandan and the ND State Penitentiary in Bismarck. Currently backpacks are being given out at the Youth Correction Center, but the NDSP is being added to this project which greatly increases the number of backpacks given. Many of the men have nothing to carry their things in when they leave, and certainly don’t have toiletries or the ability to go buy new underwear. 

You are invited to join in this project. We will be putting together backpacks, storing them, and getting them to where they need to go.  There will also be info in the backpacks about our organizations, and if you help, we would be more than happy to put your information in the backpack as well. Also, you will not be responsible for getting the backpacks to the facilities. Trinity will take care of that. You just need to get them to us or arrange for us to pick them up. One way you can choose to help is to choose a month that you would like to do this project and continue with the project that month in the future. Maybe you would want to share a month with another church instead of trying to put 40 bags together by yourself or maybe you just want to gather the supplies, and we will put the bags together. Individuals in your congregations are also welcome to do this project or order off of the registry if you don’t want to do this as a congregational project. 

It takes approximately 40 backpacks per month to pull this off. We hope you will be willing to help. You can put backpacks together – you can just collect the items, and we will put the bags together – you can financially donate. The list is attached. One note: If you decide to purchase backpacks, please only purchase the ones suggested on the list and only in black. 

If you have any questions or if you decide to use this project on any level for your God’s work. Our hands. project or for another project, please contact Pastor Martha HarriSon at harrison@trinitylutheran.com.

Engaging God's Future

Faith leaders are working in challenging times. The world is experiencing rapid and continuous change. In the past, disruptions were usually followed by periods of stability. However, change is now constant, widespread, and increasing rapidly. These times call for Adaptive Leadership, requiring a deep understanding of context and culture. Leaders are called to navigate these challenges and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, demonstrate humility, flexibility, and authenticity. We need practical tools to use in this context.

The Rev. Dr. Mark Yackel-Juleen, representing Wartburg Theological Seminary, and Rev. Peter Soli, founder of Dialog Works, have teamed up to introduce faith leaders to valuable tools for these challenges. With their combined experience and advice from church leaders, they share their experience and knowledge in the online course Practical Tools for the Journey.

Enrolling in this course will help you better understand your ministry setting, sharpen your leadership skills in conflict management, and grow your confidence and competence in guiding transformational change. Practical Tools will equip you to lead and adapt effectively in your unique ministry settings.

The first session of Practical Tools for the Journey is Thursday, September 19th. For more details and to enroll in this course, visit the course site.

Link to the Practical Tools course site

Guidance for Church and Clergy Participating in the Electoral Process

Participating in the electoral process is one way in which ELCA members live out the public witness of advocacy.

However, an important part of faithful civic engagement is abiding by the law. Any participation by congregations in activities related to the electoral process must be strictly nonpartisan and abide by IRS guidelines. Congregations and clergy must ensure that activities related to the electoral process are transparent, nonpartisan and legal.  Tom Cunniff, General Counsel of the ELCA has provided guidance documents in this regard. Visit our website or click on these links for details.

Being a Public Church

Political Activity and Tax Status


Who Will Your Love Reach Next?

When we work together to love people in crisis, we can go farther and stay longer to make a deep and lasting difference. Lutheran World Relief is God's love in action. Browse resources available to congregations.

Project Twelve

Project Twelve exists to be a place for men to find resources that will help them become better men, fathers, husbands, and leaders. Find resources available through Lutheran Men in Mission

Continuing Education for Faith Leaders

Practical tools to help leaders develop skills, confidence, and capacity for the future. Browse upcoming live courses.

Lunch & Learn

Did you miss the last Lunch & Learn with Joe & Dave? Click here to get caught up! Replays of the educational modules are found on the WND Synod Vimeo page.

JUSTmove: Becoming God's Breach Repairers in a Polarized World

How do we invite people into God’s Breach Repairing work of justice in a way that does not alienate them? While many diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts can utilize “guilt, blame, and shame”, there is a way to graciously invite people into a new vision of humanity that makes space for all people.

In these engaging educational modules, JUSTmove (David Scherer and Joe Davis) will give us tools and resources to start courageous conversations that bring us closer to Gospel inclusion (Every other Thursday through August 22nd @ 12pm Noon CST).

CLICK HERE to join the next discussion module.

“Go and Do …” (Aug 22) As Martin Luther points out, our faith is active and living. How do we remain faithful to the next step toward God’s preferred and promised future? This last session together will help us deter mine our next faithful steps and create a plan for operationalizing the compassionate justice about which we are learning.

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