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Where does our Mission Support go?
To Churchwide Ministries: 
Mission Support Deep Dive
In our synod: 
2024 Mission Support Breakdown


As an ELCA congregation in the Western North Dakota Synod you play an important role in our life church together. An email was sent in early 2024 to each rostered leader or SAM of each congregation that contained three important resources related to your congregation’s investment in our shared ministry and witness through your annual mission support.

BISHOP’S CHALLENGE MISSION SUPPORT INTENT: As you plan your congregation’s spending plan for 2024, we ask you to prayerfully consider the amount of mission support you will provide for our shared ministry and witness. Please note that in 2024, our synodical budget calls for 50% of all congregational mission support received by Western North Dakota Synod to be shared with our ELCA Churchwide ministries. Will you consider increasing your mission support by 1% in 2024?

2024 Mission Support Intent form

Fund Designations – Where do my contributions go?

OFFERING TO THE PENNY/MISSION SUPPORT UPDATE CALCULATOR: In our commitment to thank you and keep you informed about your congregation’s particular level of mission support, we ask you to share the information on this form with your congregation. Offering To the Penny Calculator

When a member gives mission support through their congregation or through a direct gift to the synod, a percentage of that money is shared with mission partners and the national churchwide organization:

  • 50% of the WND Synod's annual Ministry Financial Plan (budget) is shared with ELCA Churchwide for ministries throughout the U.S and around the world.
  • 41% of your mission support is used by the Synod for care of congregations, the call process and candidacy, care of rostered leaders, affiliated ministries, events, congregational renewal, stewardship, communications, administration and managing our financial resources.
  • About 6% is shared with Lutheran Campus Ministry.
  • About 4% is shared with Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN.

In addition to Mission Support addressed so far, a significant amount of gifts are designated funds. The synod is pleased to serve in routing these funds, sending on this benevolence at 100% to the relevant ministry or partner. Examples of this include endowments, Campus Ministry, missionary sponsorship, World Hunger, and Assembly offering.

Mission Support Deep Dive
2024 Mission Support Breakdown

Remittance Form

For sending Congregation Mission Support to Synod, please use the fillable form:
Synod Remittance Form 2024

Note you may put your congregation details in the first section and they will populate in the lower sections. Save As with your information for future printing needs. Write separate checks to the Ministry, Mission, and Accompaniment funds.

The synod Fiscal year runs from Feb 1 to Jan 31. Contact Matthew for help or with related questions.

Where Does Your Offering Go?

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